Joyce Xiang

Joyce Xiang

Hi, I'm Joyce Xiang, the founder of With the writing of this article, I would like to share with you the knowledge related to aluminum storage boxes from a Chinese supplier's perspective. Hope we can communicate and discuss more!

Bai Run East Qualified Manufacturing

Bai Run East qualified manufacturing

Bai Run East is the aluminum & MDF storage box manufacturer and we supply qualified manufacturing as we always do in the past 21 years 1. ISO9001 certificate: Our factory obtains ISO9001 quality certification. It demonstrates that we adhere to…

Why first aid box is important for business?

Bai Run East office

When employees and customers suffer from injuries or illnesses, a first aid box with necessary medical supplies and equipment can help business owners to provide immediate medical attention and care to them. A well-stocked medicine kit can help reduce injuries…

What is the first aid box for?

aluminium first aid box

A first aid box is a must-have for everyone. It’s the container or kit that includes necessary medical supplies and equipment that can be used when injured or urgent time. It can provide immediate medical care and self-help to us…